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Exercising at Carolina Meadows

Author: Carolina Meadows

For an article about the well-equipped and well-used Exercise Room at Carolina Meadows, I asked some “regulars” to write a few lines about their experience. My plan was to extract some of their points and weave them into an essay. However, what several wrote was so well-crafted that I’ve decided to let these fellow (and sister) residents speak for themselves…anonymously, of course. I can’t improve on their words!

71-year old man: “The equipment is comparable to what I used to use at first rate gyms such as the one in Meadowmont, and sometimes better: the weight lifting machines are particularly forgiving because they allow weight changes of just one or two pounds. I have kept a three-times-a-week schedule for six years, and I still enjoy going to the exercise room: the atmosphere is always very friendly and supportive; no one is in competition. There are many machines to choose from and the staff is very good at helping decide what is best for each one, and also teaching the proper way of using the equipment.”

80-year old woman: “Doing my work-out in our exercise room three times a week leaves me feeling invigorated and virtuous at the same time. The virtuosity comes from doing something I initially would like to forgo. Nevertheless, I persist and am rewarded by an improved sense of well-being. My routine consists of 15 min. each on the treadmill and the elliptical and a short go-round of six of the Kaiser machines.”

91-year old man: “My three times a week routine: Elliptical for 10 minutes, followed by 30 reps on each of the strength-building machines followed by stretching…about ½ hour total. In addition, I walk to and from the gym, probably ½ to ¾ miles. It keeps me reasonably supple and provides a feeling of well-being…especially when finished!”

67-year old man: “Until I moved to Carolina Meadows I had failed to sustain every exercise program tried. Finally, with such an excellent gym nearby, I go six days a week (before breakfast) to work out on the treadmill plus alternate days with the weight machines. After eight months of this regimen, I feel much healthier and have even lost a little weight.”
